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Imagine a University: Free from Money & Power

Here are some ideas to conceive an alternative university that challenges the dominance of money and power in science and knowledge: Focus: Open Access & Collaboration: Make all research and knowledge openly accessible, shattering paywalls and fostering collaboration. Community & Equity: Prioritize inclusivity, with opportunities for diverse backgrounds and voices, challenging traditional power structures within academia. Real-World Impact: Emphasize research with practical applications that benefit society, not just corporate or military interests. Structure: Decentralized Network: Instead of a physical campus, create a network of independent learning centers and communities. Flexible Learning: Offer diverse learning methods (online, in-person workshops, apprenticeships) to cater to different needs and schedules. Crowd-Sourced Funding: Rely on donations, grants, and community fundraising to avoid dependence on wealthy patrons or corporations. Values: Critical Thinking: Empower students to question existing knowledge and power structures. Interdisciplinarity: Encourage collaboration across disciplines for a holistic understanding of challenges. Sustainable Practices: Integrate principles of sustainability into all aspects of the university's operation. Here are some additional aspects to consider: Peer Review & Quality Control: Establish rigorous peer-review processes to maintain academic standards without relying on traditional gatekeepers. Recognition & Validation: Develop alternative systems to recognize achievements and contributions outside of traditional academic publications and credentials. Mentorship: Facilitate mentorship opportunities between experienced researchers and those new to the field. Inspiration: Existing Initiatives: Research existing alternative educational models like "Summer Schools of Alternative Economics" or "Freirean education" for inspiration. Technology: Utilize online platforms and tools to facilitate communication, collaboration, and access to knowledge. Community Building: Foster a strong sense of community among learners and researchers to promote collaboration and mutual support. Remember, this is just a starting point. Building an alternative university requires a dedicated community and ongoing adaptation. But by prioritizing open access, collaboration, and social good, you can create a powerful force for positive change in the world of knowledge.

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Free online sources

Here are some free online sources that could be valuable for your alternative university project: **Conceptualizing & Building the Model:** * **Open Educational Resources (OERs):** Websites like [OER Commons](https://oercommons.org/) offer a vast collection of free textbooks, learning modules, and other educational materials. * **P2P (Peer-to-Peer) Learning Platforms:** Explore platforms like [Coursera.org](**) (some free courses) or [EdX](**) (some free courses) that offer online courses from universities and institutions worldwide. These can inform your course structure and delivery methods. * **Decentralized Network Examples:** Research existing Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) or online communities focused on collaborative projects. This can inspire your university's decentralized structure. **Community Building & Communication:** * **Online Collaboration Tools:** Platforms like [Slack](**), [Discord](**), or [FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) communication tools](search for "FOSS communication tools") can facilitate communication and collaboration within your learning community. * **Open Source Project Management Tools:** Utilize tools like [Trello](**) (basic free plan) or [ProjectLibre](**) (free, open-source project management software) to manage project tasks and milestones. * **Social Media & Online Forums:** Utilize platforms like [Reddit](**) or Facebook groups to build a community around the alternative university project and attract potential learners and researchers. **Alternative Credentials & Recognition:** * **Open Badges:** Explore issuing "Open Badges" ([OpenBadges](https://openbadges.org/)) for completing courses or projects. These digital badges can showcase learners' achievements outside of traditional academic transcripts. * **Portfolio Development Resources:** Provide resources and workshops on portfolio development where learners can showcase their skills and knowledge gained through the alternative university. **Remember:** * **Freemium Models:** Many online platforms and tools have basic free plans that can be sufficient for getting started. * **Open Source Alternatives:** Explore open-source alternatives for many popular software applications, which can be more cost-effective. **Talking About the Project:** * **Online Presentations:** Utilize free presentation tools like [Google Slides](**) or [Canva](**) to create compelling presentations about the project. * **Social Media & Blogging:** Share your ideas and progress on social media platforms or start a blog to generate interest and discussion. * **Online Conferences & Events:** Look for online conferences or events focused on alternative education or open access initiatives to present your ideas and connect with like-minded individuals. By leveraging these free online resources, you can develop a strong foundation for your alternative university project and build a thriving online community dedicated to open access, collaboration, and social good. Remember, the key is to be creative, resourceful, and passionate about this innovative educational model. 

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Creating an Alternative University

Creating an alternative university that challenges the traditional domination of money and power over science and knowledge involves a multi-faceted approach that addresses governance, curriculum, funding, accessibility, and community involvement. Here's a comprehensive guide to conceiving such an institution: ### 1. Governance and Structure #### **Democratic Governance:** - **Participatory Decision-Making:** Involve students, faculty, and staff in decision-making processes. Use democratic forums and assemblies where all voices are heard. - **Transparency:** Ensure transparency in administrative decisions, finances, and policy-making. Open books and public meetings can help build trust. #### **Decentralized Management:** - **Local Autonomy:** Grant significant autonomy to different departments or colleges within the university. This can encourage innovation and responsiveness to local needs. ### 2. Curriculum and Pedagogy #### **Interdisciplinary Approach:** - **Integrated Learning:** Break down traditional silos between disciplines to encourage holistic and interdisciplinary studies. For example, combining environmental science, ethics, and economics to address climate change. - **Critical Thinking:** Emphasize critical thinking and problem-solving over rote memorization. Encourage students to question established norms and explore alternative perspectives. #### **Community-Based Learning:** - **Service Learning:** Integrate community service into the curriculum, allowing students to apply their knowledge in real-world settings and learn from their communities. - **Local Partnerships:** Partner with local organizations and communities to co-create learning experiences and ensure the university's work benefits the local area. ### 3. Funding and Financial Models #### **Non-Profit Model:** - **Ethical Fundraising:** Seek donations and grants from ethical sources, avoiding funding from entities with conflicting interests. - **Sliding Scale Tuition:** Implement a sliding scale for tuition based on students' financial situations, ensuring education is accessible to all. #### **Crowdfunding and Cooperative Models:** - **Community Support:** Utilize crowdfunding and cooperative models to raise funds. This can democratize funding sources and ensure accountability to the community. - **Endowments and Trusts:** Create endowments and trusts that can provide steady funding while being managed ethically and transparently. ### 4. Accessibility and Inclusivity #### **Open Admissions:** - **Holistic Admissions:** Focus on holistic admissions criteria that consider a student's potential and life experiences rather than just test scores and grades. - **Bridging Programs:** Offer programs to help underprepared students transition into university-level coursework. #### **Diverse Representation:** - **Inclusive Curriculum:** Ensure the curriculum reflects diverse perspectives and voices. Highlight contributions from historically marginalized groups. - **Support Services:** Provide robust support services for students from diverse backgrounds, including academic tutoring, mental health services, and mentorship programs. ### 5. Community and Collaboration #### **Collaborative Research:** - **Open Access:** Commit to open access publishing and the sharing of research findings freely with the public. - **Community-Driven Research:** Focus research efforts on issues that directly impact local communities and involve community members in the research process. #### **Global Network:** - **Partnerships:** Establish partnerships with other alternative universities and educational institutions globally to share resources, ideas, and best practices. - **Exchange Programs:** Facilitate student and faculty exchange programs to foster global understanding and collaboration. ### 6. Ethical and Sustainable Practices #### **Sustainability:** - **Green Campus:** Implement sustainable practices in campus operations, including energy use, waste management, and transportation. - **Curriculum Integration:** Integrate sustainability into the curriculum, encouraging students to consider environmental impacts in all fields of study. #### **Ethical Standards:** - **Codes of Conduct:** Develop and enforce codes of conduct that promote ethical behavior, inclusivity, and respect within the university community. ### Implementation and Pilot Programs #### **Pilot Programs:** - **Small Scale Initiatives:** Start with pilot programs that embody these principles, such as a single department or certificate program, to test and refine the model. - **Feedback Mechanisms:** Establish mechanisms for continuous feedback and improvement from all stakeholders. #### **Scaling Up:** - **Incremental Growth:** Scale up gradually based on the success of pilot programs and the evolving needs of the community. - **Replication:** Develop a model that can be replicated in other regions or countries, adapting to local contexts. By prioritizing democratic governance, inclusive and interdisciplinary education, ethical funding, and community involvement, an alternative university can foster a learning environment that truly values and advances knowledge for the public good rather than profit.

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Some available sources

To support the creation of an alternative university project, utilizing free online sources can provide valuable information, tools, and networks. Here are some categories and specific sources that can be particularly helpful:
### 1. **Open Educational Resources (OER)**- **OpenStax:** Free, peer-reviewed, openly licensed textbooks.- **MIT OpenCourseWare:** Free course materials from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.- **Khan Academy:** Offers free online courses, lessons, and practice.- **Coursera and edX (Audit Mode):** While full access often requires payment, many courses can be audited for free.- **OpenLearn:** Free learning resources from The Open University.
### 2. **Collaborative and Participatory Learning Platforms**- **Peer 2 Peer University (P2PU):** Community-based online learning.- **FutureLearn:** Offers a variety of free online courses.- **Study Groups for Online Learning (SIGOL):** Facilitates study groups for online learners.
### 3. **Academic and Research Networks**- **ResearchGate:** A network for researchers to share and access scientific outputs.- **Academia.edu:** A platform for academics to share research papers.- **arXiv.org:** Free distribution service for research papers in fields such as physics, mathematics, computer science, and more.
### 4. **Open Access Journals and Repositories**- **Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ):** A comprehensive index of open access journals.- **PubMed Central:** Free access to biomedical and life sciences literature.- **ERIC (Education Resources Information Center):** Free access to educational research and information.
### 5. **Collaborative Research and Innovation Platforms**- **Zenodo:** Open access repository for research outputs.- **Figshare:** Allows researchers to share their findings in a citable, shareable, and discoverable manner.- **Open Science Framework (OSF):** Supports open collaboration in research projects.
### 6. **Community and Networking**- **The Alternative University Network (TAUN):** A network for individuals and groups creating alternative education models.- **Open Education Consortium:** A global network of open education institutions and organizations.- **Edgeryders:** A community of individuals working on social innovation projects, including alternative education.
### 7. **Free Software and Tools**- **Moodle:** Free and open-source learning management system (LMS).- **Google Classroom:** Free LMS for creating, distributing, and grading assignments.- **Slack and Discord:** Free communication platforms that can facilitate collaboration and community building.
### 8. **Funding and Support Resources**- **Crowdfunding Platforms:** Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and GoFundMe can be used to raise funds for educational projects.- **Open Collective:** Enables groups to collect and disburse money transparently.
### 9. **Online Libraries and Archives**- **Project Gutenberg:** Free access to over 60,000 ebooks.- **Internet Archive:** A non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.- **Library Genesis:** A search engine for free access to academic books and articles.
### 10. **Alternative Education Models and Case Studies**- **AERO (Alternative Education Resource Organization):** Provides resources and networking for alternative education.- **The Sudbury Valley School:** Example of a democratic school model.- **The Cooperative University:** Articles and resources on cooperative university models.
By leveraging these free online sources, the alternative university project can access a wealth of educational materials, tools for collaboration, research networks, and community support necessary to build and sustain a transformative educational institution.